Ater I got this event I thought I make this story where the village might have gone laugh I hope you like it.

In search of the Island of Peals

The Event

Kai who was age 17 was looking for something in the school when she noticed a book covered thick dust and cobwebs. She took the book off the shelf and dusted it off and the title read The Island of Peals. Kai sat at one of the desk and read the first few lines and found she could not put it down. The information in the book told her about the hidden secrets of Isola, and it contained a map, she was so fascinated by what she read that Kai decided to find this path and explore. Kai found the hidden path that had never been noticed before and decided to walk along and see where it led to. She was never seen again by her fellow villagers.

Sef was the first to notice that Kai had gone missing and told the other villagers and the searched for her all over the village. In the end the villagers of the south shore had to report her as a missing person.

On the Pathway

Kai carried on following the pathway and the book she had was tucked away within her clothing. After Kai had walked a few miles she was getting tired and needed a rest, so she gathered some moss to sleep on, the book had warned her about wild animals and it also had instructions how to make a fire. So kai followed the instructions, first she gathered some driftwood that was good for a fire and then she found some dry grass, then she collected some rocks and put them in a circle and laid the firewood and dry grass, then lit the fire. Kai felt worm for the first time and the crackle of the fire and the heat made Kai very sleepy and soon she was fast asleep.

Several hours later, Kai was suddenly awakened by a noise in the bushes, Kai stayed very still and listened and all of a sudden she heard a twig crack and then she give a sudden scream when she saw... shocked

To be continued
2 The Stranger

Kai saw a bush move as if it was moving on it's own then eek a bold headed man with hair round the head like a halo suddenly appeared from the bushes and also give a startled cry as he turned and saw a female no more than 17 staring at him and screaming, then Kai calmed down when she saw it was only an old man, that looked like someone's granddad.
Kai asked him, who are you and you give me such a fright creeping on me like that?'
'Look lass I did not expect any one in this part of the woods and I'm sorry I scared you. My name is Kilu and I come from the North Shore of Isola and where have you sprung from, I never seen you in these parts. He said
'Nor have I seen you and I'm Kai by the way'. Kai replied. I came from the South Shore.
'The south shore you have travelled quite away'. Kilu replied in surprise.
Kai was not sure that she could trust this stranger and to explain about the book and the map that got her so far, but decided against it and said, 'I'm a traveller and know my way round these parts.'
'Really' replied Kilu, yet you only look about 16 or 17 to be a well seasoned traveller!'
Kai had to think of something up and had an idea and said my parents travelled a lot and I think I got the same travel instant as my parents. Kai felt guilty having to lie to him but decided that it was best way to stop the awkward questions been asked. She instantly checked that her book was will hidden.
Kilu was realising that Kai was hiding something, but did not pursue it as he did not want to scare her away and he knew that she did not trust him, so he decided to try and win her trust and may she will let him on in her secret. 'I see you have made a lovely warm fire and that's a good idea with wild animals in the woods.

'Are you hungry?' Kilu asked.
Kai realising she was starving not eaten since she left the South Shore Yes I'm starving.'
I know where I can get some berries and he took her where some berries were growing and Kilu and Kai forage the berries on the bush and ate them. Kai felt better after she ate the berries but the berries were not enough to take the hunger completely away and thought that it would have to do until they come across another source of food. Then Kilu showed her to a stream where she could drink some water which she gratefully drank. After Kai quenched her thirst her eyes began to go fuzzy and everything want black. sick

To be continued
I was abe to write this chapter today as it is my day off

3 Missing book shocked

When she came round and she checked the book it was gone and so was Kilu. She just sat on the ground and cried,cry and realise that it must have been Kilu that must have put something in the berries and when she passed out stole the book. How could I have been so stupid, trusting a stranger? mad Kai realised there was nothing else she could do but to try and find her way back to civilisation and continued up the path.


Kilu felt guilty for what he did to Kai but he wanted to know what she was hiding and he give her the sleepy berries and then he whispered in her ear as she was sleeping to reveal what she was hiding and was surprised to find she was hiding a book called the Island of Peals, Kilu realised how Kai found her way here and was so secretive. Kilu wanted to go back to her, but was afraid to as he knew he will have lost his trust. Even though Kilu looked old he (the reason will be explained why later) was only 16 a year younger than Kai. Kilu had run away from his tribe because his fellow villagers teased him about his boldness and the white hair around his head like a halo and kept telling him that he was evil. Kilu got fed up with all the teasing and one day he runaway and that when he met Kai and thought she was very cute with her curly black hair and two red flowers she wore in her hair. It was a pity their meeting did not get a very good start.

Kilu went to a secluded spot and read the book and he too was surprised of what he read and realised the truth why Kai had hidden the book from him. He decided to go in search of the Island of Peals. He discovered he did not have the map, it had been removed from the book, and there was only one thing to do to go back to Kai and tell her he was sorry what he had done. Maybe she might hand over the map. Kilu knew that wouldn't be likely and have to think of away to retrieve it. Kilu knew that the sleepy berries would not work again, so he would have to think of another scheme to get it.


Kai was glad that she had removed the map from the book, but she had to get the book back, but she needed a plan as she knew that Kilu would not give it back to her. She too knew that since Kilu knew about the sleepy berries they would not work, and so she had to think of another scheme to get the book back. However she had to find him first, luckily Kai had observational skills and could follow Kilu's trail and noticed that he had wondered off the path and began to follow the trail.

To be continued
4 Missing peace

Kilu decided before going back to try getting the map off Kai, first he had to find a place to hide the book and he went off the path and he noticed a broken down hut in need of repair. Kilu had the urge to fix it as he was an Adept builder, but he had no time for that as Kilu had more urgent business to see to. Then he thought of an idea was to hide the book in the broken down hut. He went into the hut and found that it needed a good clean, he dusted off a table in the middle of the room and sat down to read the rest of the book and at the back of the book inside the cover he noticed some hand writing and it said, that there was another peace of the map that had been buried in a tin box and a illustration of a map and a x that covered the spot. Kilu realised that Kai only had the first part of the map that lead her here and soon discover part of the map was missing.

Kai followed Kilu's trail that led to the broken down hut and she sneaked up to the hut and looked though a broken window and saw Kilu sat at the table reading the book. When he started to get up, she quickly ducked and then cautiously moved to the side of the window and looked though the window at a angle where he would not see her. Kai found the perfect position where she was as she had a good view of Kilu and where he was hiding the book and saw him put the book behind a panel he moved from the wall. All she had to do was sit and wait until he leaves and retrieve the book from behind the panel.

While she waited for him to leave the hut in a well hidden place, decided to study the map and this is when she found part of the map was missing. Kai had to get the book back now to find out where the missing part was also she noticed that there must be another 3 parts of the map as it was torn neatly on two sides noticing the part she had was a large corner of the map and 3 of the other parts where hidden and she realised that the next part of the map was hidden in these parts.

Kai heard Kilu leave the hut and waited till he was out of site and went into the hut and straight to the place where Kilu had hidden it and got a shock that it wasn't where he put it shocked

To be continued
5 Betrayer

Kai went to the place where she thought Kilu had hidden the book and was surprised that it wasn't there. She rooted a bit deeper behind the partition behind the panel, as she was searching for the book, she heard someone say, 'Is this what you're looking for?
Kai turned quickly and saw Kilu holding the book out. Kai instantly made a grab for it, Kilu snatched it away saying, 'I will give you the book if you hand over the map!!!'
Kai knew that the map was no use without the other parts as it already saved the purpose for her journey here, but at the same time, she knew this man had betrayed her and she was wary about him, 'How do I know that you will hand it over? You fooled me once before.'
Look Kai, I know you don't trust me and remember you lied to me!!!' Kilu trying to make a point.
'I was not sure I could trust you and you proved me right,' Kai said matter of fact way.
Kilu replied in a irate voice, Alright I'm sorry, but I had to find out what you where hiding as you were giving away slight hints' I am an expart of body langauge.
'But why did you betray me, when I was getting to know you and then you played a dirty trick, and I don't think I can trust you'. Kai replied also in that irate voice.
Kilu replied trying to calm down the heated situation 'Yes I admit I hurt you and since we started on the wrong foot, could we call it a truce and start again'. And quickly added; 'Besides you do need my help and you are good at observation.
'Yes and you good at reading peoples minds'.
'Will I have to keep my eyes on people in my village as every body disliked me and so I run away!!!' Kilu was realising he was giving away his inner self to her and wondered why.
Kai was looking at Kilu for the first time and noticed that his eyes betrayed his looks, even though he had a face and hair of an older man, the eyes she looked into were those of a young male of her age. Kai wondered why there was a difference, then she thought that many strange things happen on this Island that effect peoples in different ways, some good and some bad.
Kilu noticed that Kilu was staring at him blush and quickly turned away saying, 'Right now that's sorted shell we do the businesses.
'Yea of course'. Kai said realising she was staring at him and also averted away. blush

Kai and Kilu discussed their plans and since they decided to work together, needing each others skills. Kai after studying the hand drawn map at the back of the book, she could make out that the X that was drawn on the map was marked the place that indicated the tin box was buried under the sleepy berry bush.

Kai and Kilu went digging under the bush and it took them a while until one of them hit something metallic, and then Kilu retrieved the metal box that contained the missing part of the map. When Kilu tried to open it found it locked and no key to be found.
'How are we going to get it open, as it too strong to break into it?, Kai said confused
We'll have to find the key and I don't see any clue where it could be. Kilu replied confused

Another puzzle to be solved by Kai and Kilu, will they find the key?

To be continued
6 Where Is the Key? confused

Kai realised how she could find the key and said to Kilu that there might be a clue hidden in the script in the book. So Kai and Kilu went back to the old hut and studied the book and after searching though the script, found nothing at first that might hold the answer to where it might be. Then Kilu read out something and it said,
To find what you're looking for its right under your nose like a rhyme and is where there is a garden where it grows.
'That must be the clue where the key is!!! Kai explained.
'Yes but I don't understand' said Kilu confused
Kai said very excitedly, 'it rhymes with nose and you know what you do with your nose?'
'Smell things!!!' Kilu answered still confused wondering what the key to do with a nose.
'Exactly and it read where there is a garden it grows'.
'OOH YES' Kilu suddenly realising what it was, 'A rose'.
'Yes a garden is where roses grow'. Kai said.
Kilu said 'I know where there are roses that are growing and they growing by the cliff in the orchard at the North Shore, but I can't go back there, no one likes me.
'Kilu we got to get the key and if this means you got to face your fears, then I will go on my own, but I rather you came with me as I went someone who knows these parts and there is no one better than you!!!'
Kilu said, 'I'm not sure about this maybe this is a bad idea!!!'
Okay I understand after all they must have been awfully mean to you, as you were so keen to search for the Island of Peals. But I have come so far and I am not giving up and with that Kai ran off and left him standing. confused shocked mad

As she widened the distance of Kilu, Kai was hoping he would change his mind and felt awful for leaving him there. frown Kai looked back and noticed he was gone. She thought right I'm on my own now shocked when suddenly she heard Kilu calling laugh 'Wait for me I'm coming with you, you will never get there on your own.'
Kai turned round relieved but said, 'What about your enemies that taunt you.'
'I got you and besides they be really jealous when they see I got you for a friend and how about a kiss.'
'Don't push your luck,' Kai said. And thank you for changing your mind not many will face their fears. I mean it' smile

Will Kilu back out at the last minute when he reach the north shore or face his fears as Kai thinks he might back out.

To be continued

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Edited by Rockmower (01/15/09 11:42 PM)