Originally Posted By: LadyCFII
These 4 species (Spotted Reptans, Citrus Reptans, Spotted Ball Cactus, Citrus Ball Cactus) cannot be created from any of the plants that you can breed from the seeds that you start the game with.

I have read the first line in this thread several times. I am a new player, so don't know much yet. But, in my second game I already have Spotted Ball Cactus and Citrus Ball Cactus. In fact, I think that Ball Cactus was one of the first seeds I was given.

What I _DON'T_ have in my second game are any REPTANS foliage. None at all. I guess I am gonna have to buy a seed for that. However, in my first game, I had tons of Reptans, but no Maple.

So far in 2 games started, I have never seen any Fern or Grass species at all.


I think each game is slightly different. I expect when I start a new game, I will be given different seeds.