Hi folks. I'm on my third day playing PT. Actually, my fourth day since the first game I started I [censored] up -- I didn't understand how to self-pollinate and cross-pollinate correctly and ended up making far too many repeats and dead plants from complicated crosses with the starter soil.

So far, I have my Isola soil and third Seed Tray. Right now I am saving up cash to buy the Isola Water, then the top-level Bug Net and Pruners, then the Fountain.

My username is kinda silly, so just call me ZZ.

This is the first LDOW game I have tried. I mostly stick to POGO and IWIN games (Chocolatier-2 is my favorite game).

I live in a rural part of New York State, USA.
I'm an over-educated idiot (attened university but have never used my education for a job even ONE DAY -- still paying the bill, too).
I'm male, single, 35 years old
The majority of my income is from selling Lego brand toys on the internet. My website = http://www.abpbricks.com

In real life I grow vegetables for cash during the growing season and am considering selling home-preserved vegetables next year, also. My sweet corn is the BEST sweet corn for 20 km around! hehe

I know nothing about even the basics of plant breeding, so this game is somewhat challenging. So far, I have filled up my three seed trays and wish I had 3 more to store seeds in.

My two complaints about PT:

-- 1. It's too slow, even on fast mode. It's hard to accomplish much in say, one hour. This is definitely a game for multi-taskers.

-- 2. I really wish I could change prices when on the Sales Screen. When there is one plant sitting there not selling, I want to be able to reduce the price without losing all the current nursery customers. Being able to raise the price on the Sales Screen would also be good.

One question:

-- What is the Virtual Seed Tray utility and what does it accomplish? Can I keep additional seed supplies in them and bring them into and out of my game??

Thanks. I like the game pretty well, tho it can be a major time-killer when I should be doing other important stuff.