Originally Posted By: CaveDweller
[size:8pt][/size] Enjoy childhood -- we only get a few years of it, and spend the rest enjoying those memories. You'll have plenty of time to be an adult; it lasts way longer than childhood.


p.s. In case their's any confusion, I am most definitely a GUY, MAN, Whatever, but NOT a GAL! I mostly stay up on this thread to try and avoid some of the humiliating mistakes I've made in the past. It doesn't always, work, but it helps, So I agree this thread is needed! \:\)

Edited by Rockmower (06/08/08 02:35 AM)
Fan Fiction Mentor

Avvie by Airstream Raider
Where have all the Fan Fiction Fans gone?
(I miss Laurence cry)
I miss my wife cry