Originally Posted By: Just Mom
One night, as Pod is just falling asleep, he starts hearing the gentle, whispering voice of a beautiful lady clad in white gossamer. She whispers, " When the heart and mind are one, the spirit and body are in balance. Seek your inner harmony, my child! What a strange dream! What can this mean?

Choices are:

Study the ways of Nature
Study the Healing arts

I chose healing arts and gained healing skill

I'd had that same event and made the same choice. My 16 year is now a Master Doctor. This is also the child who watched the otters playing. I let him watch and the villagers by watching the otters found a new treat \:\)
But sadly, Almond got the choice of giving the lady the flowers or necklace. She took the necklace and turned him down.

Life is hard. So put on your big girl panties and deal with it.