Originally Posted By: DariaMcBee
Oh, yes. That's who that guy is. I thought he was a kid who grew up, but I don't remember any kid with that name. Hee. Thanks.

\:D I've got so many kids running around my house I do that from time to time as well...'hey! where did you come from?'...but in my case it's human kids. hahaha

I got The Rainy Season this a.m. It marked the beginning of the season with an afternoon monsoon. Lots of rain.

Also, The Hole in the Hut. Cold air was coming thru so it was a choice between tree sap or beeswax to cover the hole. I picked beeswax. Taking the honeycomb caused the bees to work on replacing the lost wax instead of makng honey. Lost food. \:\(