Originally Posted By: kittenzan62
Actually, I have a Mod that was made by a VV forumer, and it has Native Indian's, very kewl, I saw one a bit back that had African American's, they looked very good, I'm sure a lot of work went into making these Mod's... Thank You to all who spend the time and their talent's, so we can mix up the game's a little. It's like playing a whole new dimension of the game. \:\) \:\) \:\)

The mods do indeed add a new dimension to the games; it's like playing a whole new game. The African Amercian tribe mod was made by Jazzo. And what i love about it is that there are villagere who are very, dark, dark, mocha (like me) and still fair skin. Jazzo covered the bases and I am enjoying it much. If you have pictures of your Native American tribe, I would love to see them.



Edited by MochaJew (05/13/08 06:43 PM)
Life is hard. So put on your big girl panties and deal with it.