I like try before you buy because I truly get a chance to see what the game is like and whether I like it enough to buy it or not.

But try before you buy is also a good idea for you guys because one of the interesting aspects of this game is that you bond with the characters. You want to know what the baby will look like. You want to know if that villager can make it to EE. You have all these things you want to see... and then your time is up. It's about the same as watching a movie, getting really into it, and then having the movie stop abruptly. You are left with this feeling of incompletion. You don't know how the "story" turns out.

The hour of play time without restrictions gives the person not only time to see whether they like the game or not, but if they do like it, it will be enough time to bond with the game and "need" to buy it to find out what happens to each villager, puzzle, new thing found/built/etc.

I absolutely, positively, unequivocally would NOT play any game, or for that matter run ANY software whatsoever, that includes advertisements. I abhor them. I have a personal website in which I pay extra for a high quality webhost specifically because I can run my website with zero, none, zilch, not a trace, advertisements.

There is no game, no piece of software, no new gizmo, no new fandangle anything that I am completely unable to live without. If having anything requires that I must sit through a constant stream of ads (like TV commercials), then I can do without it. I have to tolerate some gentle ads (such as the identifier at the beginning of the game), but that's about it. I don't listen to radio because of the interruptions. I rarely watch TV (I record and skip commercials).

Obviously, I have very strong feelings against ads. I am advertised up my wazoo in the mail, on the phone, in email, in stores wanting you to get a "membership card" for discounts (which is merely a way to track your purchasing habits for their statistical purposes), and just driving down the street. It's trash. It ruins the landscape (including the landscape of game enjoyment), it's unsightly, it's begging, it's low class, it is NOT for me. And to be honest, I have never heard of such a thing until now (with software).

I didn't mean to rant so strongly about the ads. \:o

One option that I would suggest adding is PayPal. Many stores are now including a PayPal option which is very quick and easy. Cash (well hidden)/checks/money orders can be sent in by mail for the kids.