Originally Posted By: eyeshigh
Officially - Congratulations Jazzo and JulieAnn!

The official prizes are LDW t-shirts and titles.

I'm glad you 2 won!
You're the cream of the crop,

So many great talents,
did try their best.
Now that it's over
they can all rest!

I wish I'd done better,
but it's just not my style,
to write Haikus or Tankas
that make people smile.

We all have our talents,
some write great tales.
Other's are whizzes
on a graphical scale.

Be not discouraged
if you gave your best.
It's just that these two
stood above all the rest!

So give them a hand,
and give them a cheer!
We like what they did
so let it show here!
Fan Fiction Mentor

Avvie by Airstream Raider
Where have all the Fan Fiction Fans gone?
(I miss Laurence cry)
I miss my wife cry