Borg, I love Virtual Seed Tray and Constant Gardener, however I did have an issue with VST. I'm running Vista on my PC. I downloaded both VST & CG, moved them to my desktop and was using both with no problems. However, the next day, when I tried to power up my PC, I was unable to log in to Vista - it said that my User Profile did not exist. I was able to get that back by restoring to my last save point. But, when I logged in, I no longer had the VST application file, just the zip folder I'd originally downloaded it in (CG was not affected, neither was my Plant Tycoon game). Any ideas what could cause this problem or what I can do about it? Has anyone else had this happen? I have not tried downloading VST again, because I was afraid of having the same issue. It was kind of heartbreaking the first time to lose all my stored seeds (although, fortunately, I'd only stored my extras there and still had 1 of everything in my game).