Well, most of my village names are based on a long story, here goes:

Phoebe, (my sister) over the years, has acquired many, MANY, nicknames, thanks to me \:D

It started out with Phobe
Phobe turned to Dobe and Wobe, and Phloby-wobe-dobe, Wobeson, Phlobus, etc. So now, Phoebe is stuck with all these nicknames. (My family is quite weird) So, in every village of mine (except two I think) I start out with seven original names. They are: Jazzo, Mrs. Jazzo, Julian (My name), Phoebe, Wobeson, Phlobus, and Phlobey-wobe-dobe. As they breed, I add more. Eventually, I end up with names like Jazza-wobe Jr. or Phlobus-Jazzo, etc. because I'm running out of names. Then, I stop naming my tribe, and often make a new one \:D

BTW, Phoebe is pronounced (FEE-bee)

SO, that's my story about names