1. It would be LOVELY to be able to magnify individual plants in the greenhouse! I can't always tell if I'm seeing shadow or a browning leaf, and a larger image would solve the mystery and make pruning more accurate.

2. Often while watering, a new _bug_ will arrive. A few times, I've moused over to get the net and clicked at the _bug_, only to discover I had picked up the pruning shears by accident - at least once, a plant has been severely compromised in the process. Would it be possible to redesign the tool positions? Or perhaps enable a right-click feature for activating the _bug_ net (like whipping the net out of a pocket instead of running back to the worktable).

3. Likewise, I often chase a dragonfly or moth to the top edge of the screen. If I'm in windowed mode, the clicks serve only to move the window around while the little bugger escapes. And if I'm unlucky enough to chase it to the upper right corner, I end up in the snapshot screen when I was sure that click had caught the pest.

4. A big thumbs-up for adding more storage for seeds and/or pollen. It would also be handy to have another shelf for fertilizers, etc. Today I had to waste a dose of Vitamins to make room for the fertilizer bomb to save 5 plants sowed in weaker soil than they needed.

5. I'm getting acquainted with plant naming conventions, but another great help would be to include the plant name somewhere near the plant image when we mouse over seeds in storage. Obviously, this would apply only to matured plant seeds, not to new crossbreeds.

6. Neteru's comments above have merit. My desire is to be able to sweep up those yellow leaves off the floor! It would make sense that any new pruning needs to be cleaned up instead of disintegrating before hitting the ground. After all, we have plenty of time for that sort of housekeeping ...

7. Most stores these days have to contend with shoplifting. It may be too much to bother with, but it would create a more engaging twist to watching the shop.

8. Another new element would be harvesting flowers and selling bouquets first. The risk would be in not knowing how many flowers could be snipped off, because the plant could be sold only if it still had at least one bloom on it. Similarly, I think any plant that still has unharvested seeds should be worth more in the nursery.

Thanks for a completely captivating game. I hope these ideas will fit in nicely with your vision of the next upgrade.