//Before I start, I will tell you that this is a work of love for all our canine companions who have passed on. As many of you know, I just lost a little buddy due to a carless and irresponsible driver who was not only speeding but was passing the stopped school bus as my nieces were preparing to get off. I still don't know if the police ever caught up to this creep, but it was a horrible experience for all the youngsters on the bus to see him die like that. I have been trying to write a poem for him, which I was going to post in Off Topics, when they return. I wish to thank Barb for giving this space to write a tribute to him and all our other fine friends. I hope you enjoy it.//
Fan Fiction Mentor

Avvie by Airstream Raider
Where have all the Fan Fiction Fans gone?
(I miss Laurence cry)
I miss my wife cry