I love writing Haiku's lemme give this a try. Oh, is there a prize for winning? If not, that's fine:


Shores of Isola,
Villagers have settled there,
We help them survive.

Time to go to school,
First it's time to plant some plants,
Hopefully they'll live.

Carla and Arthur,
They work hard all day and night,
Making awesome games.

My personal favorite #4
Farmers, builders, more!
Who else is there on the shore,
Villagers galore!

Water all your plants,
Don't forget to check your tribe,
Also feed your fish.

Look the fire's out,
Quick go to the pile of wood,
Don't forget the grass.

Whoa it's time to go,
First I better plant some seeds,
Hopefully they'll grow.

Start with just a seed,
Water it and feed it to,
That's what it will need.

I'll do some more later.