I myself would love to have more room to keep my seeds. 3 seed storages is simply not enough. We should be able to buy a infinate amount as long as we have the cash. Maybe make it more expensive to work for them.And mine are all very different seeds. Also I would like to see the buyers actually taking their plants to the cashier. I would also like to pick the buyers up and place them near or around a plant that hasn't sold.
There really needs to be something to do in between the time the plants sell and when they are growing and pollenating. Those times nothing can be done.It gets very boring.And I seem to buy the insta grow and the vapour bombs to get them to grow faster.
But instead of just saying what can be done to change the game. I absolutely love watching the plants pollenating into beautiful new plants. It feels so real to me. Thanks for everything. The games really have saved my life. You may not believe that but it is absolutely true. Thanks again.
You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.