Yeah if I get duplicate names, I have to change one. I had a 5 or 6 yr old girl named Ebi and when another baby got 2 yrs old, her name was Ebi, so I changed it. And I change some that sound weird to me. I had one boy named Top. I changed that one. That's just too weird LOL. And I had a girl named Coral, so I took off the L... then later one of the babies was named Kora, so I had to change that LOL. I had one boy named Kayak. I thought, okay, that's just too weird... what's next a boy named Yacht? So, I changed his name to Kamden (its all I could think of at the time LOL). Then later on, another boy baby was named Kayak... so I changed it to Kyle I think it was LOL. One girl was named Topa which is okay I guess, but I changed it to Topaz lol.