Let me see if I can remember everything, I've played a lot of games.

barrel with one baby,
several times vial with fizzy liquid
parrots dropping food in the bin
dream of the cave with two tunnels, I took the one with the glittering gold, my little guy fell thru into the ocean with sharks, when he woke up, he's now afraid of water.
Heat waves
Spring allergies
small thick plastic sack
large thick plastic sack
strange request, had that one twice now,
child prodigy
ancient gold coin
bump on the head from a coconut
the nightmare
The west wind

There have been several others, but can't remember them.
white pearl (just got that one and it was a nine year old kid who found it, I said keep it, and all of his skills were increased, and he's able to heal people, he's now an apprentice doctor at the age of 9.
