*sighs* ok, i inadvertantly time traveled again. i got a new computer desk and paused my villages and shut my computer down properly. however when i turned my computer back on i saw that the date on my computer was may of 2002. since my villages were already paused, i went ahead and set the date to the correct date and when i unpaused my villages i saw i had problems. one village seemed ok but now i see that the villagers arent aging, stats arent increasing, harvest is the same. however my fire time is going down. the other villages are aging however one village says it will be almost 3 million minutes before my harvest is ready. i might have miscalcuted but that seems to be 5 years before it's ready. the other village is more reasonable, maybe only 3 months before the harvest is ready. i am wondering about the events catching up though. will it be 5 years before it's caught up? or since it was the past will it not be a factor and therefore i just need to wait for the other stuff to catch up? are my villages salvagable?