how can i make a

1. lilia astera
2. tilia astera
3. baccatus astera

I have all three like lilia tier 3 plants except the scandes
the baccatus i have every one except the orchid tier 3 and scandens

tilia i have all the tier 3 but the scandens

how can i make them as well if any one can help
also how would i make the galber for them as well

thanks if any one can help or direct me how to mutate them

also can any one tell me what is the tier 2 cactus i mean what does it look like i havent been able to mutate that one or buy it i forgot whos check off sheet i found it on thanks alot

Edited by lucas (10/22/07 06:00 AM)
When I say "I am a Christian" I'm not holier than thou,
I'm just a simple sinnerWho received God's good grace,somehow!

Ava By AR