This guide is for people who just want to get all the Magic Plants as quickly as possible. You'll need to have these four common plants in order to use this guide: Spotted Reptans, Citrus Reptans, Spotted Ball Cactus, and Citrus Ball Cactus (you can keep starting over until you get them, or you can check the supply shop each day). As you make each plant, self-pollinate it and save the seeds. You will need several seeds of certain plants to make all of the Magic Plants.

Fourpetal Maple

Citrus Ball Cactus and Jalapa Maranta

To make a Jalapa Maranta, cross a Citrus Ball Cactus with a Spotted Reptans or Spotted Ball Cactus with a Citrus Reptans

Rosaceae Fern

Jalapa Maranta and Bluestar Astera

To make a Bluestar Astera, cross a Jalapa Maranta with a Spotted Reptans

Nox Orchid

Spotted Reptans and Rosaceae Fern

Fabled Lemonbush

Jalapa Maranta and Fragrant Maple

To make a Fragrant Maple, cross a Fourpetal Maple and a Jalapa Maple
To make a Jalapa Maple, cross a Citrus Ball Cactus and a Spotted Maranta
To make a Spotted Maranta, cross a Spotted Ball Cactus and a Spotted Reptans

Mela Rare Oak

Citrus Ball Cactus and Venomous Lemonbush

To make a Venomous Lemonbush, cross a Fourpetal Maple and a Citrus Maranta
To make a Citrus Maranta, cross a Citrus Reptans and a Citrus Ball Cactus

Aureus Scandens

Fourpetal Reptans and Venomous Grass

To make a Fourpetal Reptans, cross a Spotted Reptans with a Citrus Reptans to get a Jalapa Reptans, then cross the Jalapa Reptans with the Citrus Reptans
To make a Venomous Grass, cross a Citrus Reptans with a Fourpetal Astera
To make a Fourpetal Astera, cross a Citrus Reptans with a Jalapa Maranta
Last Day of Work