
You have to keep both the foliage (the type of plant, like maple, or some kind of cactus) and the flowers (type of flower/fruit) into account.

To figure out what your breeding will result in:

look at the chart under "flowers", you'll see a row and a column for each type. To find out what flower you'll get, find the first flower you're crossing, then go along until you're in the column for the other flower. The box you're in shows the flower you'll get.

follow the same steps for the "foliage" sheet to get the plant type... finally, combine the two, and there's your plant!

Hope this helps... I don't understand the first sheet (where you add in flowers and make a pretty triangle), but using the others you can work backwards from what you want, to what you need.

I'm really bored, so if you're totally stuck, let me know what flowers you have and I'll help you get started...