Solutions compiled by Halidog
Formatting, editing and additional content by LadyCFII

How to open the shed:
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1) Find the doorknob in the corner of the sandbox (drop a person on the doorknob)
2) Find the key under the welcome mat (drop a person on the welcome mat)

How to repair a leaky sink:
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1) Drop a person age 14 or older on the wrench in the workshop

How to repair a clogged shower or toilet:
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1) Drop a person age 14 or older on the bucket in the laundry room

How to put out a fire:
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1) Open the shed *see above*
2) Place 1 person age 14 or over on the fire extinguisher in the shed

How to repair the birdbath:
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1) Buy the pump from the store
2) Place the pump near the birdbath
3) Place 2 people on the birdbath

How to repair a broken floor:
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1) Buy the floor repair kit from the store
2) Place the repair kit on the part of the floor you want to repair
3) Place 1 person age 14 or over on the floor you want to repair
**Note: Each floor repair kit fixes one hole in the floor, and you will need to drop the person on the hole multiple times to complete each repair.**

How to repair the leaky hose:
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1) Buy the waterproof tape from the store
2) Place 1 person on the bathroom sink or in the shower to turn on the water
3) Place 1 person on the hose

How to repair the workshop wall:
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1) Buy the wall repair compound from the store
2) Place the wall repair compound near the green bucket by the sandbox
3) Repair the hose *see above*
4) Place 1 person age 14 or over on the bucket
5) Keep dropping the person on the bucket, as needed, until walls are repaired
**NOTE: The compound will dry up eventually, so try to fix it quickly. Two people finish the job a bit faster.**

How to water the flowers:
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1) Open the shed *see above*
2) Place 1 person on the watering can
**NOTE: The flowers will wilt again and need to be watered once in a while if you want them to stay pretty**
Last Day of Work