Let's help out last day of work and in turn, help out ourselves. Let's start a list of things you love, don't love so much and things you think would improve the game. Here's the start of my list:
1. Crafting takes too long.
2. Lava stones should be purchasable or earnable. (Whichever version of the game we have).
3. Stuff we gather could be sellable for lava stones?
4. Wish there were a way, like the school where kids could be trained before they start work.
5. Don't enjoy when life gets busy and I have 27 year old's that have never started working.

6. Of course the puzzles are great, graphics are awesome and love the reincarnation feature for those "special" villagers.
7. Wish that there was a hospital where villagers could get healing experience.
8. Love the auto-breeding feature and the fact that they maintain the huts to keep getting better at building.
9. When choosing two villagers to hook-up, for example, a Master Researcher and a Master Farmer, I wish the kids would come out more capable - like already partially trained in both, or doubly trained in one.
10. I do not see the benefit of having a chief. Maybe they could start auto gathering supplies? That being said, after hours and hours of gameplay, it would be nice if some of the tedious parts of the game such as gathering could be made more autonomous.
Okay, that's enough from me for now. I'm sure you'll think of a lot more.