Will share a piece of my mind. Yes, because YOU are my shoulder to cry on and I can tell YOU all of my problems, right? grin

I'm very young, in fact. When I was a child, back in the early days of VF2, I downloaded the latter. Instantly enthralled, I adopted a family; the Cashew family that I'll be talking about throughout this account's existence. Their names are in my signature.

Anyway, my younger brother got a family as well (Stephono, Brena, Bingino, Gepi, Felila, Peta, Jessiana, Gregico). We loved our families instantly and treated them like they were ours- we would play "family games" in which we would pretend to be the kids on some sort of adventure- or perhaps just "living their lives". Both quite mature at the time, the characters' personalities developed to the point where, if something reminded one of the other's family member, they would point it out. "Sounds like something Rupee would do," "That's definitely Felila's color," or even "He looks a lot like Gregico." And we were accurate! It was quite impressive. The families became a large part of our lives. Something else I recall- my brother putting Jessiana's name as an example for class work. Jessiana's! Not even a recognizable name where we live; yet, the teacher saw a Jessiana for the first time.

Likewise, Virtual Families 2 has changed my life and his for the better- the thoughts bring back such good memories. We were fans, some of the biggest, and some of the youngest as well. Both of us still play (separately, of course; we're older now) VF2; though not with the same feelings as to our first and still-important families. To this day, you can find two siblings saying "That looks JUST LIKE AIPAD!" at the same time (or "Selling a collectible, ONLINE" for we would put the stress on the 'online' part), all due to one simple but memorable time.

So thank you, LDW, for this. I may never have kids after having five already, so if I had to hold a grudge, it will be for leaving me childless. But that's OK; I have all the children I need.