This listing is to assist in organizing the mods forum. This is intended merely as a preview. Details of different mods can be found on the linked threads. Most mods in this listing were added in posting order.

Head Mod Listings:

1. Lewanda's Head Mods - Part 1 and Head Mods - Part 2

2. Lewanda's Dark Skinned Peeps

3. Elf-girls's Girls With Some Crazy Hair Colors

4. Lewanda's All Rainbow Haired Girls

5. Elf-girls's More crazy colored girl heads.....

6. BayouBlonde's Blue Haired Female Sleeping Eyes Glitch Fix

7. Lyssaria's Beard Fix

8. Lyssaria's Rainbow Hair Makeover

9. Lyssaria's Brunette to Blonde

10. Jerseygirl15's Female Hair colours mods

11. Jerseygirl15's Male Hair Colors Mods !

12. VFLover09's laurence's blonde request - FIXED

13. Lyssaria's Red-Haired Male Makeover

14. Lyssaria's Blonde-Haired Male Makeover

15. VFLover09's request: More blonde and smooth black-haired peeps (female)

16. MissKathy's Seashall's Head Mod Request

(note: future mods will be added as posted)


Description: Thumbnails for listings 1-16

Lead Tester
Last Day of Work