This listing is to assist in organizing the mods forum. This is intended merely as a preview. Details of different mods can be found on the linked threads. Most mods in this listing were added in posting order.

Shed Mod Listing:

1. Lailai's Red Shed Door

2. *Moonlyght*'s New Shed

3. SavannahRaine's Rustic Shed

4. *Moonlyght*'s Backyard with birds

Additional Shed: You may also be interested in the shed in Lyssaria's Deluxe House mod. MapX0Y0 and MapX1Y0 are needed for a complete shed. To download, click on the "Lyssaria's Deluxe House" link above then click on the Deluxe Exterior.zip link (If you're not using Lyssaria's Deluxe House you'll need to merge the 2 shed maps with whatever workroom and kitchen you're using).


Description: Thumbnails for listings 1-4

Edited by MissKathy (12/28/11 08:28 AM)
Edit Reason: Updated listing
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