I know it seems like I've totally abandoned all my projects but I just didn't have any inspiration to write any new chapters that didn't just turn out plain wrong.

Yesterday as I was taking care of my begonias, I got a story idea. And this is what it turned into. I hope you like it!

Please tell me what you thought

As I walked into my plant shop I thought about a question one of my friends had asked me. “How do you grow such beautiful plants?” I replied that I gave them love, and she just laughed at me saying that ridiculous. She continued on to say that plants weren’t really living things, and therefore could not feel love or hear or anything else for that matter. That they were just something just to make our world more beautiful.

The only thing I agreed on, was that plants did make our world much more beautiful. Life would be dull without flowers or trees. But my mind went back to her saying that plants weren’t really living things. Then why did my ferns perk their foliage at the sound of my singing voice? Or my roses bloom at the touch of my hand to their buds? Or when I had to prune my maples, that when I told them I was sorry, they seemed to know I really didn’t mean it?

Now what I’m about to say…you may think me crazy. But plants talk too. You just have to listen. Every plant has a voice. They cry for help when they’ve run out of water and dying of thirst. They scream out in pain when a insect bites their foliage. They sing in the rain, and dance in the sunlight. But I seem to be the only one that sees these things...or am I?

Edited by Rockmower (10/13/10 01:18 PM)
Edit Reason: fix link/minor edit
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