This is my new pastime: creating bedsheets for my (and your) peeps!

There are the 40 BedUpgrades I've made so far - more still to come.

* New pillows;
* New sheets;
* New decoration items - including chocolate, bags, books, shoes and many other things!

So enjoy the collection!

To use it, just unzip the file you want, rename it to BedUpgrade and copy to the images folder.

Exclusive Bedsheets 0-19.JPG

Description: screenshot 1

Exclusive Bedsheets (250 downloads)
Exclusive Bedsheets 20-39.JPG

Description: screenshot 2

Exclusive Bedsheets (259 downloads)

Description: thumb

Edited by *Moonlyght* (10/05/09 05:48 AM)
Edit Reason: added thumb
"Things won are done; joy's soul lies in the doing."
William Shakespeare