
I was wondering, you guys already have great great meals created by BayouBlonde, from all over the world, but Brazil was missing. And who better than a Brazilian to create some dishes? wink

Here in Brazil we eat different things in the different states (it's a huge country). I live in São Paulo, a big city, and here we have a bit of everything.

So I decided to get some tastes of Brazil - lots are missing and if there are other Brazilians around here I can take suggestions! smile

Basically we have bread and butter and latte for breakfast (we have a different kind of bread - it looks like a small baguette and it's called pão francês (french bread)); and our meals are basically rice, beans, meat and salad - and fries! Of course we have lots of world meals (like pasta, pizza, etc etc).

Here you'll find:

* açai - it's a sweet made from a fruit called açai, we eat it in a bowl, frozen, with fruit (mostly bananas);

* acarajé and água de coco: acarajé is a dish from Bahia, and it is made from peeled black-eyed peas formed into a ball and then deep-fried in dendê (palm oil). It is served split in half and then stuffed with vatapá and caruru – spicy pastes made from shrimp, cashews, palm oil and other ingredients. A vegetarian version is typically served with hot peppers and green tomatoes.

* beijinho is a sweet made of coconut and condensed milk - we almost always find it in birthday parties as well as "bicho de pé" (condensed milk and strawberries).

* Brigadeiro - this would be Lyssaria's favourite. I love love it! It's made from chocolate, condensed milk and butter and rolled into balls. I myself use to do it and eat with a spoon, directly from the pan. smile

Also feijoada, bbq and chimarrão, tapioca, pamonha, paçoca, mortadela, guaraná (a very popular soda around here), and many other things - it would take me forever to list it all. smile

If you want me to explain any other food, PM me. smile

To use the meals, just rename the file you like to "meal" and copy to the images folder.



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Brazilian Cuisine.zip (146 downloads)

Edited by *Moonlyght* (09/01/09 06:37 AM)
Edit Reason: forgot guaraná
"Things won are done; joy's soul lies in the doing."
William Shakespeare