Week 1
Me and my father woke up on this island called Isola. We didn’t have or see any food so we tried to fish our food. Dad stepped on something and was poisoned and died that night because I couldn’t heal him. I was hungry so once I woke up I searched the island for food and found a bush of berries. I was an adept farmer by the end of the day and I had enough food. I woke up and I saw a well that was covered by something I started to uncover it and it was full of fresh water. Now that I am an adept builder I started to repair a house I found.

Week 2
I am now 32 and a master builder. A 30 year old women crashed on Isola with here canoe. Her name was Arianna. She was a Master scientist. With the some of the wood from the broken canoe I made a warm fire for her and I gave here some berries. With the house repaired that night me and Arianna went indoors.

Week 3
The Pocotalian Tribe population is now 3. With Arianna homeschooling the child which they named Giovanni Jr. I collected more berries and mastered farming.

Week 4
We are out of berries on the bush and Arianna is sick from a bad berry. I saw a shooting star and I wished for the tribe and I became a master doctor and knew how to heal her. I am now 58 years old and Giovanni Jr. is now old enough to work at the age of 25. When Giovanni Jr’s. Mother dead at the age of 50 I knew that it would be my time soon and told Jr. that there is a pond that you need to unclog so you can fish for food until the berries grow back.

Week 5
With me Giovanni Jr. the new leader of the Pocotalian Tribe I have built another house and mastered building. I unclogged the pond and can fish and mastered farming. With my father and mother buried I was lonely with no one to talk to but myself. As my father saw a shooting star in the past so did I and I wished for the tribe that night and when I woke up there was a 36 year old women with twins! Right when I saw here I knew the tribe of Pocotalians would continue. I was 39 when she showed up. Just like my mother she was a master scientist and she was a master healer. She was carrying two girls and had a 12 year old boy beside her.

Week 6
I am now 42 and have mastered everything. My two daughters are master scientist and my son who we named Poco and is a master farmer and builder.
100 years later
Pocotalian population on Isola is currently 96. With Giovanni the founder of Isola and the Pocotalian tribe remembered. The first female tribe leader for the Pocotalians who was in Giovanni’s family of sacredness and survivor, was Giovanna. She did everything like her ancestor Giovanni. With information from the tribes oldest living member the one and the only Poco. Poco was 112 years old and healthy as ever even though he didn’t do any work he was still loved for telling stories from the Pocotalian Tribe past. He was the father of 38 children and was a master at everything. He was the one who made Giovanna the tribe leader when he was 62 and very sick but healed when he came across a sacred plaque that Giovanni had covered by leafs. The plaque stated that the one who signs this is forever one with Isola. He figured that Giovanni left it for someone else besides himself. Poco hid the plaque again in the same spot and never told anyone besides me Giovanna. Poco also found another plaque near the burial grounds that had the Pocotalians history from when Giovanni washed up with his sisters to now signed by every Giovanni and Giovanna from the beginning to now and he gave it to Giovanna to do her part in the tribe and signed it and wrote what happened during her leadership years.

The Pocotalian Tribe continued to grow and discover more on there island of Isola. Poco still lives today and so does Giovanna who also found the plaque. Everyone remembers Giovanni.

The End.

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Edited by Rockmower (01/21/09 04:43 PM)
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