Note: This post provides information about Village Sim for Palm. If you are looking for help with Virtual Villagers for Mac or Windows, you should click this link to be taken to the help for that version. Many of the puzzles are not the same, and the help available in this post applies only to Village Sim for Palm.

We have been asked by many people who read these forums not to put the solutions to the puzzles in the forums (to keep from inadvertently spoiling the game for people). We really want to give people the help that they need, so in order to keep from jamming the forums with a lot of requests for help, we have made it easy to get help with any of the puzzles by choosing one of the following options!

  • I have written a Village Sim strategy and puzzle guide for MobileTechReview, which Carla has added to the LDW site. That nicely formatted, official-looking guide can be accessed here. It contains a lot of spoilers, so if you're not good at resisting temptation, you might just want to use the guide section, described below!
  • LDW has recently added a Guides Section to the forums, located below the forums for the games, and the Village Sim strategy and puzzle guide has been posted there. The various sections of the guide have been put into the appropriate categories [Quickstart (No spoilers), and Spoilers], so that people who want some general pointers don't have to risk bumping into information that they didn't want to see.