Hi all.
Lost 2 herbs:
As of 4:30 am., I still "haven't" got the 2 herbs, that I lost last night to "reappear." 1 child made it to the table, but the other 2 "lost" theirs somehow on the way to the table. The 1 is still on the table from last night. I "waited" to see "if" the 2 herbs would "reappear" this morning, but "nothing yet". Do all 3 herbs "reappear?" And "if so", how long do I have to wait?

No pets:
I bought my game on April 25, 2020, thru another game site.
When I 1st played, I got a Lemur. I "forgot" to "pause" the gameplay for "overnight". All except 2 villagers lived thru the night. I "started over" for a new game, just like I have always done in the "originals". In my "start over" game, I have "not" received "any pets". The villagers are doing what the Lemur did. I am "well advanced" in my "play progress" in my "start over " game now to "start over".
How long do I have to "wait" til I get a pet "or" will I "ever" get one?
GBU and yours.

24hr. Lava stones:
"Again", I did not get my "Lava stones" at the "end" of the "countdown" this morning. "Again", before I left the game last night, I "paused" the game for "overnight". "Again" when I was leaving last night, I had 7 hrs. "still" on the countdown, figuring "again" for this morning 4:30 am. to get them.
Now, this is the 4th time that this has happened. I get, then I don't get.
I don't understand "why" I don't get them when the countdown "stops.
GBU and yours.