When I updated the Office with the Air Purifier my little peeps went AHHHH so blue.

So as an experiment I tried one of the Air Purifiers from VF1.

Joy of Joys it looked good Below are the screen shots.

So to Help those of you who want to make changes to your house and like me are not good with mods I have packaged up nine of the Air Purifiers from the VF1 mods and labeled the images to fit in the VF2 folders.

They need to be put into the Virtual Families/Images/Upgrades Folder. They are Upgrades

I take Absolutely NO Credit for these wonderful designs I just like to use them and make them available for others.

I am sorry I do not have the time to look up the Creator of each one.

So if you are one of the Creators of these Images, Thank you Very much and I am looking forward to seeing more of your great mods in the future.

I do not wish to offend anybody I have started a New Post in the Mods Discussion Section Titled Air Purifiers.

So that you who are the Creators can come and take the Credit for your wonderful work.

Below are two screen shots of two of the Air Purifiers from the VF1 mods section in my current VF2 House and the download link. Enjoy.

VF 2 Air Purifier.png

VF 2 Air Purifier 2.png

Air Purifier Office.zip (396 downloads)