Just what is in those pink bottles anyway!?

New groceries!! Sprite, Dr. Pepper, Pepsi and Coke! Cool Ranch Doritos and Ketchup Lays!

For the six pack on the fridge, choose Sprite, Dr. Pepper, Pepsi or Coke. Rename the file to remove the brand name when placing it into your images folder.

Big thanks to Ajuma for making the comment that gave me the idea to do this!

As always, follow the instructions in this post to backup your original files and install the new mods.

Edit: Grape Soda six-pack added for Hav.

new groceries.zip (365 downloads)
cans grape.zip (116 downloads)

Description: New groceries


Description: More groceries

Edited by MissKathy (01/06/12 08:46 AM)
Edit Reason: Attached screenshots, additional zip & fixed link