First in the series of Asian foods, welcome to Japanese Cuisine!

Foods chosen for this menu are those that have traditional roots in Japan but are also very popular in fine Japanese restaurants in America.

All meals are available in your choice of two china patterns to coordinate with your kitchen. (Patterns are pictured in this post.)

International Meal Pack 3 (Japanese) contains:

All meals are served with iced tea and sauces when appropriate (your choice of soy, brown sauce, ponzu, tare, curry-ginger, etc.)

Tempura- Mixed Seafood and Vegetable Tempura

Yakitori - Chicken, Mushroom, Green Bean and Onion Yakitori, served with White Rice

Okonomiyaki - Your choice of toppings and ingredients including: squid, shrimp, vegetables, cheeses, octopus, aonori, and benito.

Sashimi & Sushi - Fresh Sashimi and Sushi Rolls with Wasabi and Gari

As always, follow the instructions in this post to backup your original files and install the new mods.

After unzipping the pack, choose the meal (and china pattern) you want your families to enjoy today and rename it meal.png when placing it in your game's images folder.

Thanks to Serendipity for requesting Asian foods! Chinese and Thai foods coming soon. smile

International Meal Pack 3 (211 downloads)

Description: Tempura


Description: Yakitori


Description: Okonomiyaki


Description: Sashimi & Sushi

Edited by MissKathy (01/05/12 07:19 AM)
Edit Reason: Attached screenshots & fixed links