
I love so much Lyssaria's master bedroom that I made 2 variations of it: one in blue and one in green. Probably more will come, as I keep changing my house and her bedroom has to stay there! smile

Hope you like it. smile

Oh, don't forget to back up the original files first.

Peeps not included! wink

To save the bed upgrades, just unzip the file you want and rename it to BedUpgrade. The blue one was based on one of Lewanda. smile

blue bedroom.JPG

Description: screenshot

Blue Bedroom.zip (99 downloads)
green bedroom.JPG

Description: screenshot

Green Bedroom.zip (110 downloads)
BedUpgrades.zip (102 downloads)

Edited by *Moonlyght* (09/30/09 05:50 AM)
Edit Reason: added bed upgrades
"Things won are done; joy's soul lies in the doing."
William Shakespeare