LDW seems to do evolution software very well. I would use sim, but evolution fits so much better. I was thinking about games that I like(selfish me), and how they can be better.

I was thinking of a roguelike game like Moria or Omega with the world is alive like village sim except you manage one person (or small family).

Player (boy or girl):
1. Starts very young..maybe 12 with a family. This way the player could age over time.
2. Moves to the city to start training in magic, fighting, healing, or stealth.
3. Player can do whatever he wants: live in the city until he/she is old, adventure, teach, or whatever.
4. The world evolves like village sim w/o the micro-managing, so this encourages a player to expore the same areas many times.

Plantlife - various plants and trees age over time..grow or change color or just die off.

Creatures - cub or pup to bear or wolf, etc...some hunt, some scurry, some run off, and some hibernate.

Humanoids - orcs, goblins, barbarians, ruffians, etc. The evolve the same way normal npcs do, but thier worth ethic is darker. Be creative.

That is a basic idea. I used Moria and Omega as references because they sem to be 2 of the better fantasy development games that I played. Ultima games are good as well. Those games are great, but the world is not as immersive as the character development. Ulitima 5 was by far the most immersive...maybe another good reference.

If you think this a good game idea, please consider developing it. I would, but I do not know if I could apply the same realism that LDW has done with village sim.

If you would like to understand more about Rogue-like games, go here: Rogue-like site
Check out the reviews section for Moria and Omega.

Thanks for listening,
