Hello! My name is Izzy and I live in Florida. I'm semi-retired and I just became a grandmother for the first time. I started playing VV games about a year ago and I am totally hooked on all of them. My fave is Lost Children because I love the Gong! The games are too much fun and absolutely amazing! I'm currently playing Virtual Families and Lost City at the same time. One tip I have is that when your population is big, a good way to keep track of your doctors is to put them in white clothes, if you have your clothes hut built. You'll also have to have lots of tech points to pay for the clothing change, but it's worth it if something unexpected hits your villagers. You won't have to scramble around trying to find your docs.

Looking forward to this forum and talking to all of you!


Edited by IzzyJ5 (12/13/10 02:10 PM)