I love virtual villagers, and I own the third and the fourth. I tried the free trials of the first and second, but I figured I might as well buy the newest one, which was the thrid and I very very recently discovered that the fourth is already out and got that. I'm a 14-year old girl who lives in Wisconsin, (not the flat, corn shooting up everywhere Wisconsin, the south western part that is so hilly it's practically a mountain range. ) I'm going into High School this September, (We start late because of the tourist industry. Didn't really know we had one until recently. :D) I love to write, but I can't ever finish stories, so I mainly write episcalaries and short stories. I also have a passion for digital art, and MS Paint is my favorite medium, no matter what anyone says. I have an adorable puppy, named Roscoe.(okay, he's almost two, which isn't exactly a puppy, but he's so small I have to call him that, he just doesn't look like a dog.) He's a mutt, because mutts are awesome. I think that's all really. Sorry I wrote down so much, I'm just really chatty.
*insert witty comment here*