
I have been playing Village Sim since the day I got it--about 9 days now. Last night, for the first time, I had some missing villagers, as I have seen mentioned in the forums. At the time, I had 65 villagers, all research done, lots of full-time doctors. One of my oldsters had died; no problem--she was 82. Then another one died who was 79--and 5 more villagers, all under 60 died at the same time. (I keep an eye on the old ones; they've been around longer and I become quite fond of them.) No message about a plague or anything. Then when I was helping them make some babies--I had just put a man on a woman---poof! she vanished right before my eyes! Another one vanished at the same time but I didn't see who (I think it may have been another villager "Going Indoors"), and suddenly I was down 8 villagers, with 2 graves missing. I've never had a problem with any going missing before now. I generally have the max allowable number of villagers, so they're pretty easy to keep track of. Oh, I also had 33000+ food at the time, so I know they didn't starve. And I've had Spirituality 2 since before my first villagers died, so my number of deaths and graves always matched before.

I had a very similar thing happen. I had 64 villagers, as one of the old ones died, and there were a bunch of villagers participating in burying the dead. At the same time I was breeding two villagers who were NOT participating in the burial. The "going indoors" message was on the screen when they both vanished.

I checked the numbers of villagers, and it then showed 62 (down 2). I'm not sure if the number of graves and number of dead villagers is correct or not. I'd previously had 16, but I'm not sure if I missed a couple or if this vanishing act impacted the number of dead and graves. The number of graves on the screen DOES agree with the number of dead in the stats.

Other info:

All of my villagers are in excellent health with the green bars all the way across except for one elderly woman (67 years old) who still has green but there's a little space there. There's tons of food, lots of doctors, researchers, farmers, and 3 adept parents (women).

When this happened, I'd solved the first 9 puzzles, and I had Level 3 for all Village Tech except Medicine, which was still Level 2.

The stats right after this happened:

Realtime hours: 193
Villagers born: 85
Villagers buried: 20
Oldest villager: 71
Max village population: 65
Food harvested: 132,003
Crabs caught: 714
Total tech points earned: 536,546
Tech levels completed: 11
Island events encountered: 10
Puzzles solved: 9 of 12

I'm using a Tungsten E, and I've installed the game on the expansion card.

Speed when this happened: Fast


Let me know if you have any questions about this.