I have been playing Village Sim since the day I got it--about 9 days now. Last night, for the first time, I had some missing villagers, as I have seen mentioned in the forums. At the time, I had 65 villagers, all research done, lots of full-time doctors. One of my oldsters had died; no problem--she was 82. Then another one died who was 79--and 5 more villagers, all under 60 died at the same time. (I keep an eye on the old ones; they've been around longer and I become quite fond of them.) No message about a plague or anything. Then when I was helping them make some babies--I had just put a man on a woman---poof! she vanished right before my eyes! Another one vanished at the same time but I didn't see who (I think it may have been another villager "Going Indoors"), and suddenly I was down 8 villagers, with 2 graves missing. I've never had a problem with any going missing before now. I generally have the max allowable number of villagers, so they're pretty easy to keep track of. Oh, I also had 33000+ food at the time, so I know they didn't starve. And I've had Spirituality 2 since before my first villagers died, so my number of deaths and graves always matched before.

I tried to post this is a support email, but I kept getting an "Inavalid email address" message whenever I hit the "Send" button.