I posted this on another thread but just for housekeeping/ease of tracking..

I have a Tungsten T5 - the game is being run of the internal memory card.

My first villagers died. I dragged a villager over to the "sacred area for the dead" which prompted her to go to the remains and bury them. I kept her highlighted so I could watch but did not move or touch her during this process. She went, got the bodies, brought them back to the burial area, and two headstones popped up. Then I continued watching and she decided to do an "honor the dead" action. She began walking toward the field of flowers and right when she got to the edge of the field she disappeared. My population count did NOT go down, but she was no longer seen in the detail screen.

As an addition to the story, some more villagers just died and I had a villager that wasn't too talented yet go bury them - he buried and went to the field, gathered flowers and put them near the headstones, no disappearing for him!


This is a side note to the disappearing villagers - but I've had a few weird "camera" glitches. I'll poke a villager to get them highlighted, move them to an area like the water to fish or cactus to practice medicine - and instead of staying with the villager the "camera" starts panning back to where I picked them up and it says I have them "held" still. I can move back and re-select them with no problem.

Just an oddity to add to the possible "glitches" - though it doesn't seem to make any kind of bad things happen to my game or make people disappear or whatever.