All those quotes and stories are SO FUNNY!!!

I thought I was the only one saying/thinking it hehe.

It's my first time playing at the moment (well, if you don't count the first time when I didn't know and didn't pause it and went off after ten minutes of play and 6 villagers... and they were all dead when I logged on a week later!)

I play with the volume on and I am not patient enough so I don't wait for the couples to go into the hut, as I realised the population number just goes up as soon as the couple kiss if it has been successful, so I end up with loads of OH OH OH OH HEY OH HEY OH OH OH HEY OH OH OH and once I went "YESSSSS!!!" when she FINALLY got pregnant. (No one wanted to impregnate the blue haired lady!) But then my flat mate came in, looking worried, going, "What the **ll kinda p*rn are you looking at?!"

I've got the same problem of my researchers getting impregnated by these naughty virtual men. I mean, can't they devise something like just....well, [censored]?! Won't these virtual men be happy with just that, or is this more like real life than I thought?!!! haha

Edited by LadyCFII (04/08/07 07:27 PM)