OK so i have three games going at this point, and their all "finished" so i let them just run and check every night, i will start a new one soon, just waiting till i have some time, but anyways. SO its gotten to the point where i have so much food and all the puzzles are done, so they do their things, but builders are bored, and researchers just relax all day, so i set things up so all there is, is docs and farmers, and ive gotten in the habbit of drinking all the liquids and opening all the rotten crates, just so the docs can acually work, so the other day, 'Secko' found a vile with red liquid, i made her drink it, *suprised nothing happened to Secko, but when she returned to the villages everyone else was sick.* though ok cool docs have somthing to do, but then watched for a minute,, EVERYONE WAS WALKING BACKWARDS??? I let out a big what the.... and stared in amazment for about 5 min, it was weird.