I'm running 5 games simultaneously, so I tend to see at least 2-3 events a day. So far I"ve seen:
--The rusty compass
--Monkeys ransacking the table, and either addin tech points or taking them away
--Food wiped out by mold, typhoons, and birds. A bunch of villagers starved, including one 5-year-old. That one made me sad....
--Berry bush pollinated by bees
--Crate with twins
--Crate with spider (folks got sick)
--Crate with rusty tools (I think folks got sick while getting tech points)
--Troubled kid who became a Master researcher
--The beached whale. A couple times the villages saved it, and other times when food was low they ate it. Dependng on what happens, you get villagers who either really like fishing and eating whale meat, or really hate them....
--Various liquids that either added skills or changed villager's looks