Hi JetW!

Thank you for your feedback!

The brokerage upgrades have been discontinued in the game for some time (though anyone who purchased them previously are entitled to keep them), but the economy has been balanced to compensate for it.

Some of the ways you can maximize the family’s earnings include:

- Adopting a little person with a good career, and avoiding little people with riskier careers (such as trading in stocks or playing the lotto). It will take some experience to learn which careers are best, since the highest starting salaries don’t always produce the most income as career levels increase.

- Encourage your little person to work by praising them with the green glove and giving them rewards, such as candy and fruit, while they are working at their career. Be careful not to use the green glove too many times in a row, or they will become annoyed with you.

- Purchase career room upgrades from the Career section of the store as soon as your family can afford them. Each career room upgrade speeds up your little person’s progress in their career, which increases their salary more quickly.

- Choose to marry a little person who will work in the same career room as their partner. This will effectively double the benefit from every career room upgrade that you purchase for your family.

- Purchasing career magazines from the Flea Market or Advanced Career Training from the Upgrade Me! Icon on the little person’s detail page can also boost earnings, but the cost of those items isn’t always justified for workers with low salaries.

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