Originally Posted By: ajuma
The only down side of doing it this way is that you're losing the interest on that $4000 that you've used to adopt a child. Plus, not having a spouse at the beginning reduces your income by 1/2.

You can adopt a child right up until the parent passes away, so even if your couple remains childless, you should have enough money to "buy" (sorry...that's how I think of it! wink a child before that happens.

I don't mind spending 4k at the beginning of each generation. Spending money makes money in my view and I have all the career upgrades so it makes it up pretty quickly. With my current couple I changed their careers 3 and 4 times each until I got the money making careers I wanted. It set me back 8k, which was all my money, but now that they are both masters I have almost 30k for the next generation making it a 22k profit.

The adopted child is not a profit, but it keeps the parent company and halts depression until a suitable spouse comes along. Meaning more time to work and less time moping around depressed. smile It also gets me attached to the child when there's only one, or sometimes two, to focus on. I also like the idea of an integrated family, it's less boring