I think my first visit here to the forums was somewhere after the Dwight Eisenhower administration but dont quote me on that.

I just returned tonight (other than prolly once a year or so checking for new games) and I was thinking I might do well to go find some of my original posts here on the LDW forums - provided that a. I did not lose my log in info & have to rebegin as a new "person". If i did that I'm pretty confident I wouldve used my first name. *Although* I'm not always guaranteed to be the only Yaelle around.
So anyway I was just thinking, the 1st time I played my 1st LDW game was just after brain surgery in like errrrrr.... 2004?ish.

I'm kind of pining to go look & see if I am able to read old posts of mine to check whether there's any difference between Then Me and Now Me. The U.S. Navy did a crud job of giving me follow up care post-craniotomy so I never fully recovered from all of that, by a long shot.

(Imaginging myself opening up a post & peeking at it as if its something inside of a box & then hastily closing the lid. Meh. The true test would be if I were to play one of the games again & try to keep up with it and try to post questions or comments from it. Because I've never really had much of a problem with just plain typing out my rambles - its the remembering & following instructions & getting confused kinds of things that are the biggie.

Ok that was me talkng about me.
Now that I feel super weird about myself, I can go submit this. (roll eyes lol)