Originally Posted By: Simsane
Originally Posted By: Jo13
Just yesterday...

"Oh my God, no way!" - after my peep's 6th marriage proposal turned out to be someone with the same job as him (Spice Mixer). First time ever I've earned that trophy! smile

Hi Jo13! I noticed yesterday or so that you, like me, are back to playing again too! smile I quit for several years but got a etablet for Xmas and found VF for it. Got me playing on my PC again too.

Anyway, Congratulations! I've never had the Perfect Marriage award either and probably won't ever see that one. Must have felt exciting! smile

This time, we'll both succeed in getting all 100 trophies! Crossing my fingers for it, at least. smile
You never know, I thought that this new try to get all the trophies was doomed because of the Perfect Match trophy, but the game surprised me. It might surprise you soon as well - finding a perfect match doesn't necessarily mean rejecting dozens upon dozens of proposals. I think some people in this forum even got it as a 1st or 2nd proposal! (now that would be even more shocking to see happen)

Went to check on my peeps a while back, and as the youngest child, Blastocyst, had no likes, it was encyclopedia time for her, making me say:
"Aw, why couldn't it have been running?" (she gained a liking for vegetables)
"Oh, the irony! The contrived, hamfisted IRONY!" (Berserk Abridged)