I wanted to add that I have experienced both problems in VF2.

1. On several occasions, when the couple agrees to try to make a baby, the wife changes to go do something else. The husband goes on about his business to make a baby! I kind of laugh about this as the wife's passive aggressive way to shut up the husband when he won't take no for an answer. LOL!

However, on every occasion in which this has happened, I've been able to immediately have the couple try again, and they either try or argue as normal. There is no waiting period like there would normally be if they had actually tried to make a baby and failed. So it's just a small glitch.

2. I had one couple who argued so much, I finally just gave up trying. There wasn't anything in their way to get to the bed as they had already produced 3 children before and I hadn't rearranged anything. But when I tried to get them to go for a 4th child, they absolutely would not stop arguing.

After several rounds of this, I began counting the number of tries I was doing before giving up. I finally stopped after I hit 100 (and that's after I had tried many times before). They were both either 39 or 40 years old at the time.

My attempts to get them to make a baby included trying in the morning, afternoon, and night. I made sure they were healthy, fed, and feeling fresh. I closed the app (full close) and reopened it. I even shut down my iPad and restarted it. I closed ALL other apps running so VF2 was the ONLY app running. I also moved them to different rooms. I normally put the couple in their bedroom (with the bed in the center of the room with plenty of room on both sides), but when that failed after several sessions, I decided to try it in different rooms. If a kid started to enter their bedroom, I quickly drug them outside so they wouldn't disturb the couple. NONE of these things helped!

I did not think to to put their bed outdoors or have them "do it" outside, but even if that does work, I still consider the problem a glitch because you shouldn't have to put beds outside to make a couple stop arguing.

I'm running VF2 on an iPad 4 (which is the improved version of the iPad 3) which I purchased around 6-9 months ago.

I also play VF1 and have never been unable to get a couple to stop arguing like this before. It can sometimes take several tries, but never well over 100 tries!